Just for you…
Hello, friends! Thanks for visiting!
The Elephant’s Girl has a special elephant character in the story. If you wrote about an animal character, what animal would it be?
A fun way to get some ideas is to ask yourself, “If I were a wild animal, what might I be?”
Do you want to learn more about your animal?
Here are some websites to get you started!
tips for magicians is for animal lovers, Too!
Tips for Magicians is about a boy named Harrison who has lost his mom in an accident and finds healing and hope through friendship, animals, art, and magic in the desert. Harrison becomes friends with Marco, a twelve-year-old apprentice falconer. He also connects with Chloe, who has the talent of caring for the dogs in the town and enjoys creating art with light and music.
What do you know about falconry? How about dog training?
If you created your own art to enter into a contest, what would you make?
What do you know about desert animals and National Parks in Utah?
Here are some websites to give you ideas and help you learn more about the setting and animals that inspired Tips for Magicians!
Take a virtual field trip with the author of THE ELEPHANT’S GIRL!
Celesta has created a virtual field trip for you, complete with animal videos, activities, a zoo map, and a peek into Lex and Fisher’s world!
Have a great day at the Lexington Zoo!
Note to students: If you are using your school account, the school servers often won’t allow you to access these Google Slides. If you request access, the request goes to Celesta, not to your school. These systems are in place to protect you online. Please ask your teachers or parents to help you view the virtual field trip! If your teacher emails [email protected], I can give them access to share it with you!
Coloring pages by the cover artist!
The artist of the beautiful cover of The Elephant’s Girl, Ramona Kaulitzki, has created some coloring pages for kids to download for free!

Watch the book trailers!
CHECk Out This Award-Winning Book Trailer
Made By 4th and 5th Grade Students in Georgia!
(Shared with Permission)
Click here to view and download your very own MAP OF THE LEXINGTON ZOO
Do you want to be an author? Click here to read CELESTA’S ADVICE FOR ASPIRING WRITERS.
(while supplies last)
Ask parent permission to email proof of purchase of TIPS FOR MAGICIANS or THE ELEPHANT’S GIRL or proof of requesting them at your library to:
Include an address where you want the items sent.
MIDDLE GROUND BOOK FEST is a book festival where authors, librarians, and educators joined together to create some fun content about middle grade books. We hope to inspire you to read books and to write your own stories, too!
Click here to view the animal stories panel with Celesta and five other middle grade authors: TO SPEAK OR NOT TO SPEAK. Our panel was moderated by Clyde the Coyote! (Panel will be available to view after Aug. 1, 2020 at 3:00 pm EST)
You can watch CELESTA’S AUTHOR INTERVIEW WITH TOWNE BOOK CENTER here. She shares how kids can be elephant advocates, some of her favorite characters in THE ELEPHANT’S GIRL, and where she got the ideas for the book!